Black dahlia wedding bouquet
This divinely dark bouquet created with Wednesday Addams in mind
Fabulous shots with model taken by
Dress by Legend Bridal
Created by me to my own designs this can be made in any colour
The pictured bouquet contains:
Black Dahlia
Black & charcoal hydrangea
Black paper crystals
Palm leaves
Additional black greenery
Shards of silver diamantes
This bouquet is approximately
35cm wide
28cm tall
the handle is 10cm long
Ribbon handle with silver metal bird skull
All of my flowers are specially coated to ensure they are water resistant - one less worry on your special day
The bouquet pictured is now sold but I can recreate this for you or work with you to design your own unique posy
The bouquet is constructed in the traditional Victorian wired style giving it a lovely light & natural feel. This style provides a strong base ensuring that your bouquet will not only last for your special day but for years to come.
As a designer/maker I can create bridesmaid bouquets, corsages, head-dresses & buttonholes to compliment your bouquet.
Custom orders are always welcomed, take a look here for more info.
Your bouquet will be sent via a signed for service from the Royal Mail with appropriate insurance.